How Does the OHV Community Impact Wildlife

I recently had a conversation about how the OHV community can impact wildlife negatively. We often don’t either consider that in the OHV world because for the most part, at least here in the southwest are trails are in the desert. That is not true though. Here are three ways to protect wildlife when on the trail.


  1. Never chase wildlife. We pull over on the side of the trail for a break, look up and notice a jack rabbit just sitting there trying not to be noticed by us. I know the temptation is to get a closer look, but do not engage wildlife. Leave the poor rabbit be, he’s already scared enough. That actually goes for all wild life. Never chase, touch or harass wildlife
  2. Never ride off designated trails. It is easy to leave the marked trail and think we are not hurting anything. Not true. When we ride off trail and specifically near stream and river banks, we actually destroy native wildlife habitat. All wet areas are sensitive and can break down easily. Stick to the designated trails please.
  3. Close gates behind you. From time to time we come across an unlocked gate across the trail. That does not mean you cannot continue your adventure though. Usually this just means that when you come across an unlocked gate, make sure you close it once you cross through it. There are reasons for those unlocked gates and a lot of the time it’s to protect the animals of the area.

That’s easy enough, right? Stick to these few tips and you will be helping our wildlife friends stay safe and alive.

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  • How Does the OHV Community Impact Wildlife
    How Does the OHV Community Impact Wildlife

    I recently had a conversation about how the OHV community can impact wildlife negatively. We often don’t either consider that in the OHV world because for the most part, at least here in the southwest are trails are in the desert. That is not true though. Here are three ways to protect wildlife when on…