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Seeking Public Input Meeting for OHMVR Grant
For Immediate Release Project Heal the Land Lakewood, CA 90713 Lakewood, Calif., February 13, 2023 –Project Heal the Land (PHtL) will be seeking public input for their upcoming State of California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR) preliminary grants that will be submitted on March 6, 2023 with the final grant applications due June 5, 2023.…
That’s a lot of trash!
Trash is one of those horrible things that is ruining our trails. We all know it’s an issue, yet people continue to leave their trash spread all over our trails. There are a few things we can do to get ahead of the issue though. We all love out public trails. It’s up to us…
UA: The Impact of Our OHV Community
I love the outdoors. I love being on the trails, feeling free, and taking in the beauty of nature. I am definitely not alone in this either. Every weekend, holiday, planned vacation, or free moment in the lives of the OHV community we think, let’s hit the trails. That means on any given day you’ll…