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Pack It In, Pack It Out
Trash is a huge problem, and OHVers unfortunately are big abusers of throwing trash on the trail. Bottles, cans, food, paper products, you name it…it gets tossed on the trails. We as OHV users lead the industry on trail use and we have to get better. It’s actually simple, you bring it, you take it.…
Know Your Hand Signals
Hand signals are a universal way the OHV community can practice safe driving or riding while out on the trails. Hand signals can be great for riding in a group as well as when you’re alone but sharing trails with others. Let’s take a few moments to not only read through these hand signals, but…
3 Most Common Types of OHV Injuries
OHV (Off Highway Vehicles) can be dangerous at times. With some caution and safety preparation however the risk of catastrophic injuries can diminish exponentially. Let’s take a look at the three most common types of trail injuries and how we can best prepare a first aid kit to treat those injuries starting with the easiest.…